Centurio Sagitarii Regius -- The Royal Company of Archers
During the reign of Jaxarticus Rex Outlandium and Kathrynque Regina Outlandium
November 2002-May 2003
Their Majesties created the first Archer's Guard to be a part of their court. Known as "Centurio Sagitarii Regius" or the "Royal Company of Archers", this group included archers from across the kingdom. They stand alongside their leader, the Royal Archer of the Outlands. Its members were gifted with tabards created by Her Majesty's own hands. They will be permitted to wear these tabards for all time to show the great favor of Their Majesties and their status as premiers of this Company. The members of the Centurio Sagitarii Regius are: THL Ian Lindsey Macrae, THL Steitan der Bogenscchutz; THL Damian d'Antioche; THL Angus Montgomery the Forrester; Sir Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow; Sir Ramon the Chronologer (Kronos); THL Duncan Alastair MacRae; THL Daniel Larke del Glen; THL Lêofsige Õ Caoimh (Lyssa); THL Darkes MacBey; Baron Caomh Beathan Crubach; Lord Titus the Archer.

Royal Company of Archers at Estrella (Feb 2003)
Her Majesty Kathryn stands alongside the Royal Archer, THL Ian Lindsey MacRae who heads the company.
Pictured from left to right: THL Angus Montgomery the Forrester; THL Lêofsige Õ Caoimh (Lyssa); THL Duncan Alastair MacRae; Kathrynque Regina; THL Daniel Larke del Glen; THL Darkes MacBey; THL Ian Lindsey Macrae.
As time passed, we have lost members to the next life. Lord Titus was buried in his tabard. THL Darkes has gone ahead to scout. Duchess Kathryn is probably creating regalia and organizing the after life at this very moment.
With the reign of TRM Irel and Rosalind, there continued to be an archer's guard. There were archers on guards both before and after the Company of Archers, but we haven't had a single, standing guard composed of archers alone until the reign of Jaxarticus II. Unfortunately there remain no records of those who served Irel and Rosalind and no photos have been located. Congratulations to these fine gentles and many thanks to Their Majesties of both reigns!
Centurio Sagitarii Regius -- The Royal Company of Archers - Returns
During the reign of Jaxarticus II Rex Outlandium and Anna I Regina Outlandium
November 2017-May 2018
Their Majesties determined to revive the Archer's Guard to be a part of their court. Known as "Centurio Sagitarii Regius" or the "Royal Company of Archers", this group included most of the archers from the original guard (some have ceased to participate in the Outlands or have passed) and new members from across the kingdom. They stand alongside their leader, the Royal Archer of the Outlands. Its members were gifted with hoods created by Her Majesty Anna's own hands. They will be permitted to wear these hoods for all time to show the great favor of Their Majesties and their status as premiers of this Company. The members of the Centurio Sagitarii Regius are: THL Angus Montgomery the Forrester; Sir Rand the Tracker of Oak Hollow; Sir Ramon the Chronologer (Kronos); THL Duncan Alastair MacRae; THL Daniel Larke del Glen; THL Lêofsige Õ Caoimh (Lyssa); THL Konrad Von Alpirsbach; Lady Gerlin von Tiesenhausen; Lord Bryce MacManus; ..... (New Guard members, please let me know so I can update this list).

Royal Company of Archers (Dec 2017)
His Majesty Jaxarticus II and Her Majesty Anna I stand alongside the members of the company who were inducted at the event in Caer Galen.
Pictured from left to right: Sir Ramon the Chronologer (Kronos); THL Lêofsige Õ Caoimh (Lyssa); THL Konrad Von Alpirsbach; HRM Jaxarticus II; HRM Anna I; THL Angus Montgomery the Forrester.
Photo by Lord Ragnvaldr of Rendlesham